1. Ministers
i. Enhancing Life-Net’s Vision to the Team Leaders and
the Church
1. Offering Guidance and Counsel to the Leadership Teams
2. Representing the Senior Pastor’s Vision and Mission to the
3. Helping Team Leaders focus and/or overcome Ministry Challenges
ii. Advising the Senior Pastor with regard to the operation of the
Teams by:
1. Helping the Senior Pastor Discern the Vision and Mission of the
2. Informing the Senior Pastor of the Needs of the Teams and the Church
3. Offering Support and Counsel to the Senior Pastor
4. Be part of the Pastor’s “think tank”
iii. Offer spiritual Leadership/Ministry to the Congregation and the
Columbus community
1. Help officiate at sacraments, rites and ordinances
2. Preach, exhort, teach etc
iv. Assist the Senior Pastor with General Pastoral care
1. Visitation and Praying with the afflicted church Members and their
a. Conducting pastoral visitations in homes, hospitals, nursing
homes etc
b. Organizing Memorial Services and prayers for deceased families
2. Becoming God’s agents of Grace and Peace in the Church
a. By Assisting the Senior Pastor as Needed
b. By helping run the Prayer Ministry or any other Ministries as needed
v. Perform all other functions responsible of a Gospel Minister or
an Associate Minister
2. Administrator
i. Administrative Assistant to the Senior Pastor
i. Liaison between the Senior Pastor, Pastor and the Leadership Team
1. Assists the Pastoral Team on general Church administration
2. Ensures and Maintains flow of communication in the Leadership
3. Communicates to the Team Leaders on Meeting dates, places etc
4. Advises the Pastor on matters arising
ii. Secretary to the Leadership Team
1. Responsible to take minutes at all Church Leadership Meetings
2. Keeps an up to date records of the Team Leaders Meetings
3. Is available for critical meetings as may be called upon by the
Pastor or the Church
4. Perform the responsibilities pertaining to a Board Secretary
iii. Is the Official communicator of the Leadership Board
3. Treasurer
i. Makes decisions on dispensing monies in the Church account/s
1. Church Accounts: General, Savings, Temple, Seed, Bookstore, etc
2. Group Accounts: Missions, Youth, Sunday School, Media etc
ii. Writes appropriate Church Payment as empowered so to do by the
1. All Church Savings and Checking accounts
2. Pastor’s Salary and expenses
3. Parsonage
4. Building & Utility Bills
iii. Overseeing the Financial arm of the Church including:
1. Balancing Church Budget
2. Banking and Book keeping
3. Making Yearly Budgets
iv. Accountability
1. Provide Financial reports as needed
2. Provide the structures for Annual Audit
3. Provide yearly Tax Reports for all the members
v. Other
1. Organizing Stewardship Services
2. Creativity in fund raising for the church, ministries and/or projects
3. Financial custodian and stewards of the church
4. Financial Think Tank of the Church
vi. Chairperson to the Finance Team
vii. Advising the Pastor on Financial concerns in the church
viii. Perform all other functions responsible of a Church Treasurer
4. Finance Secretary
i. Custodian of all Financial records of the Church
1. Keep an up to date record/s of all the monies collected at services
2. Be ready to present these records for auditing at any given time
3. Advise the Pastor and/or Finance team of any irregularities
ii. Banking of Offerings and Collections
1. Responsible for handling the offerings at every Church related service
2. Help count all monies collected at any church meetings/services
3. Signatory to the Church Accounts
iii. Member of the Finance Team
iv. Assisting the Treasurer as needed
v. Perform all other functions responsible of a Church Financial Secretary
5. Auditor
i. Responsible for Auditing of financial records, and financial matters
of the Church
ii. Has access of all and any financial records/ transactions at
any given time
iii. Is responsible to report any irregular transactions or financial
iv. Keeps an up to date record/s of all the Church audit documentations
v. Prepares and presents quarterly Church financial reports to the
IRS (or as needed)
vi. Presents annual Audit report to the Church at the end of every
financial year 6. Liturgist
i. Oversight of Worship Services and Experiences
1. Sunday Services
2. Worship Programs
ii. Organizing the various Elements and Activities of Worship
1. Music, Skits, Testimonies, Intercessions
2. Helps in the Altar Ministry
iii. Leading and actively participating in the leading of Church Services
1. Scripture reading
2. Announcements
3. Pulpit supply
4. Liturgist
iv. Enabling/Enhancing Means for Worship
1. Sanctuary, Literature, Media
2. Liturgy, Liturgists etc
v. Advising the Pastor on the Liturgical (Worship) needs
vi. Perform all other functions pertaining to a Church Liturgist
7. Missions
i. Organizing Evangelistic Programs both in the church and the community
1. Crusades and Conventions
2. Personal and Mass Evangelism
ii. Overseeing Church Missions Programs
1. Institutional Ministry: Jail Ministry, Hospital Ministry, Joint
Church Fellowships etc
2. Outreach Missions: Witnessing, Barbeques, Home Fellowships, Rallies
iii. Setting up and Organizing Mission Awareness Services
iv. Purchase of Literature, tracts and other evangelistic and/or outreach
v. Advising the Pastor on the needs pertaining to Missions Outreach
8. Youth Director
i. Overseeing the Youth Ministry in the church
1. Actively recruiting all Youth into the various programs
2. Keeping an up to date database of the Youth in the church
ii. Provide for Sunday School, Lock-ins, Retreats, Trips etc for the
1. Organize the logistics for Youth programs and activities
2. Recruit teachers and other helpers for Youth programs, trips and
3. Enhancing a dynamic Youth Ministry in the church
iii. Youth In-reach and Out-reach
1. Ensuring a dynamic follow-up of all the youth in the church “no
youth left behind”
2. Setting up programs to reach out to other youths in the community
iv. Nurturing of the Youth in the church
1. Provide for a dynamic curricula for the Youth
2. Be diligent in celebrating special days and any other occurrences
of the Youth:
a. Birthdays
b. Graduations
c. Parties
d. Proms etc
3. Mobilizing general support group for the Youth
a. In the event of misfortunes i.e. divorce, death, grief, school transfer
b. Special prayers and visitations incase of a special need/s
v. Offering counseling care for the Youth
vi. Advising the Pastor on the needs and issues pertaining to Youth
9. Prayer
i. Coordinating Prayer Movement
1. Leading Prayer Meetings
2. Scheduling Intercessory Prayer Days/Sessions
3. Calling and Organizing Days of Fasting for the Church
ii. Leading the Church Closer to God through/by Prayer and Fasting
1. Motivating the Church to Prayer
2. Discernment of the Move of God for the Church
iii. Conducting Intercession Prayers
1. Collecting Prayer Needs
2. Enhancing a Church Prayer Network
iv. Organizing and Coordinating the Midweek Prayer Tele-Conference
v. Advising the Pastor on the needs and issues pertaining to Prayer
10. Church School Director
i. Overseeing the General Ministry of the Children in the church
1. Actively recruiting all children for the Children ministry programs
2. Keeping an up to date database of the children in the church
ii. Provide for Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Retreats, Trips
etc for the children
1. Organize the logistics for all children activities
2. Recruit teachers and other helpers for kids programs, trips and
3. Enhancing a dynamic age-group children’s Ministry in the church
iii. Kid’s In-reach and Out-reach
1. Ensuring dynamic follow-up of all children in the church “no
child left behind”
2. Setting up programs to reach out to other kids in the community
iv. Nurturing of the Children in the church
1. Provide for a dynamic curricula for the children
a. Conduct Research on relevant Materials
b. Draw up a Teaching rooster for Teachers, Parents and Volunteers
c. Guide/Advice Teachers, Parents and Volunteers on the Teaching needs
2. Be diligent in celebrating special days and any other occurrences
of the kids:
a. Birthdays
b. Graduations
c. Parties
3. Mobilizing general support group for the kids
a. In the event of misfortunes i.e. divorce, death, grief, school transfer
b. Special prayers and visitations incase of a special need/s
v. Offering Supervisory care for the “Life-Net Lambs” Ministries
vi. Advising the Pastor on the needs and issues pertaining to Children/Church
School Ministry
11. Altar Ministry Director
i. Overseeing the needs of the Altar including:
1. Preparing, Decorating and setting up the Altar area for Holy Worship
2. Supplying adequate water/Juice for the Pastor/Minister
ii. Communion Steward
1. Preparing and Setting up the Elements for Holy Communion every Month
2. Purchasing and ensuring that we have adequate supply of communion
3. Assisting the Pastor as needed
iii. Advising the Pastor on the needs and issues pertaining the Altar
12. Media Director (Video)
i. Overseeing the setting up and running the sound equipment
ii. Servicing and upgrading the equipments for better use
iii. Responsible for the recording of the Worship Services and other
Church functions
1. Purchase of tapes and/or audio/media equipment
2. Custodian of the equipment and media records
iv. Advising the Pastor on the Media and other technical needs of the
13. Asst Media Director (Website)
i. Assisting the Media Director as Needed
ii. Posting and Downloading Church Videos on the Internet
iii. Overseeing the setting up and running the church’s website
iv. Directing Church Marketing and Outreach IT programs and the Internet
v. Advising the Pastor on Media, Website and other related IT needs
of the church
14. Men’s Ministry (Men of Valor)
i. Overseeing the General Ministry of the Men in the church
1. Actively recruiting all Men into the Men’s ministry
2. Keeping an up to date database of the men in the church
ii. Organizing men’s retreats, conventions, summits and other
1. Nominate speakers for such gatherings
2. Enhancing a vibrant men’s Ministry in the church
iii. Men’s In-reach and Out-reach Program
1. Ensuring a dynamic follow-up of all the men in the church
2. Setting up programs to reach out to other men in the community
3. Organize outreach missions to Men’s seminars, conferences
iv. Nurturing of the men in the church
1. Be diligent in celebrating special days and any other occurrences:
2. Mobilizing general support group for the men
a. In the event of misfortunes i.e. divorce, death, grief, job loss
b. Special prayers and visitations incase of a special need/s
v. Offering Training seminars to younger men
vi. Advising the Pastor on the needs and issues pertaining to men
15. Women Ministry (Daughters of Zion)
i. Overseeing the General Ministry of the Ladies in the church
1. Actively recruiting all ladies into the Ladies ministry
2. Keeping an up to date database of the ladies in the church
ii. Organizing ladies retreats, conventions, summits and other meetings
1. Nominate speakers for such gatherings
2. Enhancing a vibrant ladies Ministry in the church
iii. Ladies In-reach and Out-reach
1. Ensuring a dynamic follow-up of all the ladies in the church
2. Setting up programs to reach out to ladies in the community
3. Organize outreach missions to Ladies seminars, conferences etc
iv. Nurturing of the Ladies in the church
1. Be diligent in celebrating special days and any other occurrences:
a. Baby Showers, Weddings etc
2. Mobilizing general support group for the ladies
a. In the event of misfortunes i.e. divorce, death, grief, job loss
b. Special prayers and visitations incase of a special need/s
v. Offering Training seminars to younger women
vi. Advising the Pastor on the needs and issues pertaining to the Ladies
16. Trustees Director
i. Purchase or Acquisition of Church Property/Estate
ii. Maintains the Church Property and all Building Projects and/or
Extensions thereof
1. Responsible for the Property and all Physical Assets of the Church
a. Furniture’s, Fixtures, Equipments, etc
b. Maintaining and Taking care of the Church Landscape
i. Mowing the Grass
ii. Plowing Snow
2. Ensures the Building/s are Safe and User Friendly at all times
a. AC and Heat Temperatures, Elevator etc
b. Repairs and Replacing of Bulbs, Lights etc
c. Always Ready to Respond to Emergencies
ii. Reserves and Maintains necessary building apparatus with a view
to Worship or Church use
1. Coordinates the Set up and Break down of relevant Furniture’s
and Instruments
2. Coordinates Cleaning of the Building including the Kitchen and Restrooms
iii. Life-Net Liaisons for ALL Trustee Needs and/or related interests
in/out of the Temple precincts
iv. Advises the Pastor and the Church on any Building issues or Concerns
17. Worship Team Director
i. Oversee the general Praise/Worship team
1. Recruit Worship members
2. Enhance spirituality and discipline in the band
3. Organize practice times and schedules for the Worship team
ii. Lead the Church in Praise and Worship
1. Choose praise and worship songs
2. Make band songs available during church services
3. Sing and play in church services, conferences revivals etc as needed
iii. Create and Enhance the necessary Atmosphere of Worship in the
iv. Organize Retreats, Worship Clinics, Missions and Conferences for
the Worship Team
v. Advise the Pastor on Praise and Worship needs in the church
18. Asst Worship Team Director
i. Assist in the Responsibilities of the Worship/Praise Team Director
ii. Assisting the Director of Praise Team as needed
iii. Advise the Pastor on Praise and Worship needs in the church
19. Usher/ Host Director
i. Organizing the comfort of the congregants for worship
1. Greeting and Welcoming Worshipers
2. Handing Worship Bulletins to congregants
3. Organizing cars and the parking lot in winter
ii. Initiating contacts and Follow-up
1. Signing the Guest Book and the Visitors contacts cards
2. Introducing the Guests to Life-Net Church Fellowship
3. Conducting initial Follow-Up on Visitors
iii. Advising the Pastor on arising Hosting needs/concerns
20. Asst. Usher /Hostess Director
i. Assist in the Responsibilities of the Head Usher above
ii. Assisting the Director of Ushering as needed
iii. Ensuring that the Visiting Guests are well Natured and catered
iv. Advising the Pastor on arising Hosting needs/concerns
21. Hospitality Director
i. Responsible for the Kitchen and Food related Ministries in the Church
ii. Coordinates ALL Nurture and Hospitality Needs of the Church
1. Planning and Coordinating ALL food related Church activities
a. Christmas, Thanksgiving, Valentines and other Special occasions
b. Fellowship Meals, Conferences, Conventions, Picnics and other food
2. Coordinating Snacks/food and drinks after worship services
a. Setting up relevant Menu’s
b. Recruits help for food preparations and serving
iii. Draws up a duty rooster for all Kitchen and Nurture related Responsibilities
1. Purchase and/or Stocking of Kitchen supplies
2. Purchase of foods and preparation of the same
3. Cleaning of the Kitchen and Dinning facilities
iv. Must ALWAYS be Consulted for ALL food related functions and Celebrations
v. Advising the Pastor on Nurture and Hospitability concerns
22. Asst. Hospitality Director
i. Assist in the Responsibilities of the Director of Hospitality above
or as needed
ii. Advising the Pastor on arising Hospitality and Nurture needs or
23. Counseling Director
i. Offer Pastoral care to church persons as needed including but not
limited to:
1. Divorced persons
2. Deceased
3. Abused and/or substance abusers
ii. Preparing marriage couples/candidates for marriage
iii. Becoming God’s agents of Grace and Peace by
1. Praying for the sick, the troubled, shut-ins etc
2. Conducting pastoral visitations in homes, hospitals, nursing homes
iv. Oversee Pastoral Counseling Ministry including but not limited
1. Educating the congregation on counseling issues
2. Conduct seminars, conferences etc
v. Advise the Pastor on any arising counseling needs or concerns
24. Singles Ministry Director (Vanguard Ministry)
i. Overseeing the General Ministry of the Singles in the church
1. Actively recruiting all singles into the Singles ministry
2. Keeping an up to date database of the Singles persons in the church
ii. Organizing Singles retreats, conventions, summits and other meetings
1. Nominate speakers for such gatherings
2. Enhancing a vibrant Singles Ministry in the church
iii. Singles In-reach and Out-reach
1. Ensuring a dynamic follow-up of all the Singles in the church
2. Setting up programs to reach out to the Singles in the community
iv. Nurturing of the Singles in the church
1. Be diligent in celebrating special days and any other occurrences:
a. House warming
b. Engagements
c. Weddings
d. Birthdays
e. Parties
2. Mobilizing general support group for the Singles
a. In the event of misfortunes i.e. divorce, death, grief, job loss
b. Special prayers and visitations incase of a special need/s
v. Offering Career Training and other relevant seminars to the Singles
vi. Advising the Pastor on the needs and issues pertaining to Singles
25. Christian Education Director
i. Enhancing Education Ministry for the Children
1. Organizing Children into Age-Level Classes
2. Supplying Teachers for the Children Classes
ii. Manage the Children Bible-Club
1. Organize Recruitment of Children
2. Set up the Bible-Club Program
iii. Enhancing Education Ministry for the Adults and Young Adults
1. Organizing and Manage Adult Bible Classes
a. Sunday School
b. Home Groups
2. Recruitment/Recommend Teachers for the Adults Bible Classes/ Home
iv. Recommend Books, Literature, curricula and Study materials
v. Oversee the Home Group Movement in the church
1. Recruitment
2. Training of Cell Leaders
3. Hold Home Group Leader’s Accountability
4. Advising the Pastor on Progress and challenges
vi. Organize Christian Educational Training Conferences for the church
1. Set up the dates and other logistics
2. Recommend Teachers/ Instructors
vii. Advise the Pastor on the Educational and Home Groups Needs of
the Church