Our MissionOur Mission is threefold: The mission of Life-Net Christian Fellowship is for Life-Net Ministries to become a significant resource for missions that effect positive change in the City of Urbana and the neighboring counties [Logan, Clark, and Union] through spiritual presence faith based community outreach programs including: 1. Community Center Outreach Life-Net facilities are quite spacious and centrally located with ample parking area. This allows everyone to easily locate our premises from any given location. Because of this, our building has since its inception been a place where the people of Urbana, Columbus and surrounding counties hold various community celebrations including weddings, graduations, banquets and other such activities. As a community outreach center, Life-Net continues to serve the various counties by being host to wholesome community activities in accordance to our vision. 2. Food Outreach Every year, Life-Net organizes a food outreach program where we prepare food and deliver it to needy families and persons in our communities. Last year, we served over 100 peoples with food on Thanksgiving. Other food outreach programs include Christmas, Valentine and Harvest dinners. Food Pantry is a significant aspect of our Food Outreach Program. For even despite the poor families in our communities, it is always common to come across a needy person that needs help from out food pantry. The Urbana community also runs a Caring Kitchen that daily serves the homeless people in our community. It is the plan of Life-Net to continue periodic support of the This Caring Kitchen either with food donations, clothes etc. 3. Youth Outreach a) Youth Center With the population of the Youth in Urbana and Columbus being large, Life-Net already has a vibrant youth program that attracts many young people in the community. This year we were able to host a musical group “Falling Upward” from Toledo and we had a great turnout. Life-Net currently is exploring ways to increase this youth outreach program by establishing an indoor “community playland” equipped with computers and other games to reach out to the youth. Also since our facility was once the only skating rink in the city, it is a popular place for the youth who delight in skating. Presently, many youth and parents have expressed the desire to organize community skating parties for the youth at Life-Net. The benefit of such a program will be a great asset to the church and the community at large. b) Mentoring Program Modeling and Mentoring programs will also go be built into these “playland” activities so as to reach out to the felt needs of the youth. Already we have the Ladies program as well as the Agape Men’s program which is preparing itself towards mentoring. 4. Counseling Program Community counseling programs are also a definite vision of Life-Net Ministries. The immediate goal is to have a full time staff working to help counsel with the many people going through divorce, bereavement, the senior citizens in nursing homes, shut inns, the sick etc. all of whom need pastoral care and counseling. Another group of people that need special attention in Counseling is the many young people who hooked up on drugs. Pastoral counseling of such peoples will greatly help our church, families and schools in our local communities. 5. Children Outreach Life-Net prides in its children’s Sunday Worship program where children come to church every Sunday evening to be taught bible lessons. Every year, the children not only participate in leading the Sunday Worship services but they also go Christmas caroling as well as present Christmas services to the community. This is a major attraction to other children. Future plans for the Children outreach program includes having a Wednesday Bible Club program for the children. Now Wednesday is a very significant day in our communities because on this day there are no ball games or school activities held in schools so as to allow the children to participate in mid-week church activities. For Life-Net we propose a dynamic Bible-Club program that will attract even more children who are not churched in the community. Home Schooling in our area of influence is quite prevalent. However the many families that home school do not have a large enough facility where they can hold various school activities e.g. games. Several of our church members are home schoolers and so there is a lot of excitement that finally with Life-Net, the home school children will have a facility that they can use for some of their activities. Life-Net also plans to become the host of a tutoring program for children who need special help in the area. This will greatly benefit the many children who without such tutoring miss out. 6. Daycare With our great building facility and ample grounds for play and church extension, it is our prayer to have a day care program at Life-Net. Such a day care will not only help the church financially, but it will also be a worthwhile community outreach program. 7. Christian School In our area there is a high demand for a Christian based education. Because of this we pray that as Life-Net continues to grow, we will be better placed to begin an Elementary school in our facility. Such a school would not only offer a bible based education, but it would also help sponsor the needy children in the community. 8. Jail Outreach Program Life-Net has an ongoing jail outreach program where different church members go to visit the local county jails and prisons. The results of this program have been very good. The challenge now comes when the inmates are released from jail for they lack a place to continue in their discipleship and reformation process. Because of this need, Life-Net plans to hold a weekly Discipleship Program for the people that are released from jail. This will help such persons to completely reform within a support group system allowing them to be integrated into the community easily. The advantage of such a program will also help such persons not to want to go back to jail again. 9. Other Programs a) Life-Net in conjunction with the local Ministerial Association, the local business companies and the Sheriff department, is actively involved in various programs that help improve the living standards of the community. Among such programs include the very successful Christmas Voucher program, the gas program among others. b) Home Settlement housing projects is also an outreach program that Life-Net in conjunction with the local churches and the City of Urbana is currently exploring so as to help needy or otherwise, poor families buy homes. to be settled into homes. c) Life-Net continues to open herself as an ambassador of Christ
to always be prepared to respond to God’s Children everywhere
calamites or tragedy strikes such as a fire, storm or tornado disasters.
It is
the Purpose of Life-Net to always be Salt and Light to allpersons. |
Exalting God and Extending God's Kingdom |
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