We Are
Life-Net Christian fellowship Church is a family of born
again believers who covenant with both God and with each other to participate
in the life of Jesus Christ.
Through the enabling of the Holy Spirit, Life-Net church
members live to Exalt God and Extend God’s Kingdom to the world.
To become a member of Life-Net Christian Fellowship Church,
one has to confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and complete the

Life-Net is about:
The name Life-Net spells out the core of what we are
about as a body of believers.
1. Life: -New Life in Jesus Christ
When we become Christians, we become sons and daughters of God: “all
those who received Him, He gave them the right to become God’s
children” [John 1:12]. A people called into a close relationship
with God. This is what God desires [2 Peter 1:4]. God’s love
for us is so great that God became one of us (Emmanuel) so that we
could come back into union with God [John 1:1, 14]. The source of
our life is Jesus Christ. We are alive because of Him and so we can
do no good thing outside of Him [John 15:1, 5]. This is the basis
of all our being: God wants us to have His own nature - to be like
Him - to share in His life [John 3:16].
2. Net: -Connection with God and connection with
one another
I. Connection with God: We are spiritually connected
to God through Jesus Christ. A good analogy of this connection
is found in the
words of Jesus “I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever
remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without
me you can
do nothing” [John 15:5]. This is what being a Christian is
all about - coming back into union with God and sharing His life
with one another now and forever. In Jesus, we have more than just
a moral or ideological "union" with God. Our relationship
is a real spiritual connection. It is through this “connection,” this
union, that we have the ability to live a life that is truly
abundant, fulfilling, and fruitful [John 10:10].
II. Connection with one another: As branches of the
same vine, we believe that we are one body of believers in Jesus
Christ [John
As Jesus is the basis of our connection, we are connected one
to another as a body of Christ [Romans 12:4-5]. Therefore, the
we have with Christ --we share with one another. If we are "in
Christ" together, then we are “part of one another”.
This is one of our central values –connection- whereby
we are committed to living in close fellowship with one another
honesty, transparency, and vulnerability even as we help each
other along our journey to full and complete union with the Father,
3. Fellowship: One with another and with God
We are a fellowship based in the Holy Scriptures, the evidence of
which is a Spirit-Filled life. The life we now live comes from
the Spirit of God and not some new way of conducting the life we
had before [2 Corinthians 3:4-6]. The life we now live is a life
that seeks to be transformed into the image of Christ [Galatians
2:20]. Moreover, as Christians, we have been made new and our life
is now one with the life of God Himself [1 Corinthians 6:17].