Leadership: Life-Net GovernmentHeadship I Leadership I Leadership Affirmation Headship “He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come. And He put all things in subjection under His feet, and gave Him the head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all” [Ephesians 1:20b-23] 2. Jesus Christ has instituted an authority structure to lead God’s
people, enable them to worship God and fellowship as a body of believers,
and to work together in corporate strategy through the “Five-Fold
Ministry”. 3. Life-Net Christian Fellowship acknowledges that any leadership
offices and operations within the Fellowship are not man's idea, but
for the purpose of Exalting God and Extending God’s kingdom. “ Now there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord. There are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in persons. But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good” [1 Corinthians 12:4-7] 4. And whereas human leaders are imperfect, God has in His Grace,
equipped them to implement God’s Kingdom agenda, both in the
lives of the believers as well as in all the nations of the world. “ Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and authority and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves” [Romans 13:1-2]. 5. Therefore, although we each, as believers, have an individual responsibility
and an individual faith, we are commanded by the Lord to come under the
protective covering umbrella of church authority. When believers
are rightly related to
both Jesus and His Church, they are enabled to realize and fulfill their
own calling and the corporate calling. Thus, we cannot fully embrace
our own destinies
unless we come under Godly leadership. 6. According to scripture, church leaders must give an account to
God for those under their care. It is therefore essential for leaders
to know specifically
for whom they are responsible. With this truth in mind, we have implemented
a Fellowship structure that articulates lines of authority and responsibility
based on the New Testament church patterns. 7. Submitting to leadership within the church does not imply dictatorial
l leadership or that we allow ourselves to be manipulated or controlled
by anyone or any Fellowship group. God is our ultimate authority, and
we can appeal any decision of man to Him. It is also important for
leadership to have a built-in "checks and balances." Those
safeguards are in place at Life-Net Christian Fellowship. If a situation
arises, in which a member feels a leader has made a poor decision,
or has treated someone unfairly; others will be brought in to investigate
the situation in accordance to scripture. “
For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and us not to lay upon you no
greater burden than these essentials” [Acts 15:28]
2. Pastors: New Testament churches were led by servant-leaders seasoned with godly character and ministry experience. [1 Timothy 3; Acts 6:3-4]. Our Pastors are either licensed or ordained ministers who either work with the Senior Pastor as shepherds over specific ministry areas or serve as an advisory board for the Senior Pastor. As Pastors, they are actively involved in planning for the future of the ministry as well as in overseeing what God has entrusted into their hands. 3. Senior Pastor: Every congregation generally has a primary leader
traditionally referred to as the "pastor" of the congregation,
fellowship, or church. In the Bible, we see that God often raised up
a specific person to lead a Kingdom work. And whereas there is an emphasis
on leaders working together, we still see in the case of the Jerusalem
church, that James functioned as the primary leader, or pastor, of
that church [Acts 15; Galatians 2:9]. 4. Apostolic Network: In the New Testament, there were no independent
churches per say. Instead, churches networked together through the
ministries of "spiritual fathers" called Apostles. The Apostle
Paul served as a key apostolic leader for many different churches.
He was not necessarily the local pastor of all those churches, but
the local church leadership was accountable to him. In this way, Paul
advised and supervised, to some extent, the church leadership in the
cities that were under his apostolic care. Likewise, Life-Net Christian
Fellowship seeks to become an apostolic cover for its various pastors,
missionaries, ministries, and churches. As the ministry grows Life-Net
as a church ministry will formulate and constitute an apostolic council
to oversee the apostolic networks. [Acts 15; 2 Corinthians 10:8, Titus
1:5; 1 Corinthians 16:1; 2 Thessalonians 3:14; 1 Timothy 4:11-12; 5:8;] 2. We affirm that each believer is to be connected and submitted to a local fellowship. The local fellowship is led by a pastor and its members submit to the God-appointed authority of their pastor, recognizing him or her as their "head" [under Christ] responsible for guiding, directing, feeding the body, and leading them in spiritual growth. The Pastor [along with his/her leadership team] will prioritize discipleship of the people, equipping, challenging and releasing them into their destinies. Each fellowship will also have a "leadership team" of elders, or leaders in training who assist the Pastor and keep him or her accountable. 3. We affirm that Jesus has commissioned apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers to be involved in equipping His church. [Eph. 4:13]. We also affirm that all these offices are functional in the fellowship today and necessary for her maturity and equipping of the saints for the works of God. 4. We affirm that every repentant believer is to be welcomed into the family of God and fully accepted without discrimination. 5. We affirm one of the cardinal responsibilities of the Pastor and the church leaders to intercede and stand in the gap for the sheep that he or she oversees. We also affirm that the church members are mandated to pray, intercede and support their Pastor and other church leaders. 6. We affirm that the Church of Jesus Christ is on the verge of an end time revival! We also affirm that the Church will become more glorious, victorious and anointed as we continue to subject ourselves to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, we will continue to grow in the grace and power of God’s kingdom under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. 7. We also affirm that Life-Net Fellowship church exists to Exalt God through Prayer, Praise, Worship and Service; Equip Believers through Preaching, Teaching & Study of God’s Word; Extend God’s Kingdom through Witness, Fellowship, Giving & Missions; and to Edify One Another through Fellowship, Faith Celebrations & Godly Living. |
Exalting God and Extending God's Kingdom |
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